On 9th May 2016, the final Power Purchase Agreement for the 225 MW wind farm at Ayitepa was signed at the Headquarters of the Electricity Company of Ghana Ltd. (ECG) in Accra. Signing took place after a longer period of negotiations between the Ghanaian Authorities and us after this PPA was initialed already back in March 2015.
On 7th April 2016, the second large Community Engagement Event took place in the Presbyterian Church of Old Ningo. More than 300 people were present at this meeting in order to get additional information on the progress of the 225 MW wind park project.
Family members, clans, chiefs and representatives gathered in the town of Old Ningo on the 22nd March 2016 in order to commonly agree on the land lease contracts for the 225 MW wind energy project Ayitepa. Around 200 people attended the event in the Pentecost Church of Old Ningo to formally discuss and approve the land lease documents.
In order to liaise closely with the local population and the involved communities regarding our wind farm development at Ayitepa, we engaged several months ago with Mr. Francis Tsatsu Owulah a Community Liaison Officer (CLO). The CLO acts as point of contact for the local community and communicates key project information during the development and construction period of the wind park. Mr. Owulah also leads our Community Engagement Programme through consultations with local communities and stakeholders.
On 3rd September 2015, the Grid Connection Agreement for the 225 MW wind farm at Ayitepa was signed at the Headquarters of the Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo) in Tema. This is another very important step regarding the finalization of the development of the first large scale wind farm in West Africa.