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Phase 1 of Land and Asset Survey on Saunya Clan Land successfully completed

The Phase 1 of the Land and Asset Survey on the Saunya Clan Land started on the 9th of July 2018 and was successfully completed on 25th July 2018

The survey aimed to get information about the general land use within the Ayitepa project area. The survey involved the collection of data such as name of field user, crops growing in the field, quality of land, frequency of land cultivation, economic tree growing and potential alternative field areas nearby, which could be prepared for the land user.

The survey forms part of the wider Livelihood Restoration Plan, which aims to ensure equitable and adequate compensation of affected persons or households according to IFC’s Performance Standard 5.

The survey was commissioned by Lekela Power B.V. and lead by an international social specialist from AECOM, with surveying services being provided by the Ghanaian company A-M Surveys Ltd. The survey team was accompanied by representatives of the Clan as well as by members of NEK’s Community Liaison Team.

Below can be found some impressions of the field work.

IMG 5167 IMG 5167 IMG 5167

  • Published on August 23, 2018