Community Engagement
Strengthening Communities
The developers of the Ayitepa Wind Farm are committed to include the population and communities living around the wind farm.
Any concerns or misconceptions shall be elicited and addressed directly. A good information policy is our key to a transparent project development. We assure that the locals get to know the developers, have access to relevant and up to date information and are informed about the project’s progress and outcomes. Besides, it is important that the communities see the benefits the project can bring for their own lives as well as its national importance in aiding to resolve the energy crisis in Ghana.

Transparent and easily accessible information
Regular Community Consultation Events serve to update the communities on the project and allow questions and feedback to be received. The first such event took place at Ayitepa Village on February 6th, 2015. This, along with previous initial consultations, aimed at familiarizing stakeholders with the proposals and enabling them to make comments that already influenced the design of the project. The 2nd wider Community Engagement was held on April 7th, 2016 in the town Old Ningo. The third Community Engagement event took place on April 4th, 2017 also in the town of Old Ningo. More information can be found in the news section. Another big Community Information Event is scheduled to take place in the months to come.
In addition to the community events, regular updates are given through appropriate means. Currently, newsletters are distributed regularly, which inform about the past and upcoming development activities. At a later stage, additional means of communication, such as Social Media, SMS and local radio broadcasts will be used.
Community Liaison Officer Team
A Community Liaison Officer Team (CLOs) is employed to deal with any community matter. The CLO is acting as a local interface between the communities and the developers and constructors of the project and is leading the Community Engagement Program trough consultations with local stakeholders.
In September 2015, our new project office was inaugurated in Ayitepa which became in the meanwhile a local base for any community engagement during the development and operation of the wind farm.

Samuel Manortey
+233 24 233 91 06

Emmanuel Adjei-Kordie
+233 26 131 36 00

Jeff Amoah
+233 24 524 20 33
Benefits for everyone trough community projects
Besides the general benefits from the wind park (job creation, land lease income, improved infrastructure, etc.), additional community projects sponsored by Ayitepa Wind Farm shall improve the livelihoods and ensure that all targeted people are benefitting. Therefore, consultation is in progress, which aims to identify the needs of the local people in order to plan appropriate projects. For the time being, refurbishment programs for 3 local schools were completed, sponsored by Lekela. This website will keep you up-to-date about the implementation of these and also other projects.
International Principles are the basis
Community Engagement needs to be founded on sound principles and best practice. Therefore, our Community Engagement Plan takes into account the 1998 Aarhus Convention that deals with decision-making on environmental matters, the Values of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), the Equator Principles and the IFC Performance Standards.
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